Industry Commitments
2020 Progress Report
Since its founding in 2010, the Partnership for a Healthier America has believed in the power of the food industry to make the healthy choice the easy choice for consumers. From the companies that make food to the ones that sell food, PHA’s industry partners have significantly moved the needle in providing American families everywhere with better-for-you products.
In addition to supporting its industry partners, PHA also elevated the ways our partners pivoted as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. In April, PHA hosted a webinar with Dr. Amaya Becvar Weddle to highlight how the wellness industry went digital.
Partner Spotlight:
At the time of reporting, 47% of the beverage volume sold across PepsiCo’s top 26 global beverage markets had 100 calories or less from added sugars per 12 ounce serving.
All Partners
Hyatt Hotels
Sesame Workshop / PMA
Trinity Health