Corporate Commitments


2020 Progress Report

Year Committed: 2016
Length of Commitment: 5 years
Select a Progress Report:

Committed to offer healthier foods to consumers, provide access to nutrition information and create opportunities for its associates to improve their personal wellbeing. MARS Food U.S. will reduce sodium and added sugars, increase vegetable servings, increase whole grains and update its nutrition criteria to reflect 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Verified Results

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    All new products in the United States will meet or be reformulated to meet added sugar guidelines under Mars Food Nutrition Criteria in order to be prominently and clearly labeled as 'everyday.' Otherwise, the products will be labeled as 'occasional,' defined as foods to be consumed once per week.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    Reduce sodium in UNCLE BEN'S and SEEDS OF CHANGE products of 20% by 2021 based on aggregate tonnage sold.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    Ensure all tomato-based jar products sold or introduced in the United States include a minimum of one serving of vegetables per serving.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    Expand whole grain options in the United States so that at least half of all grain products in Mars U.S. Food product portfolio includes at least 16g of whole grains per serving and may include legumes.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    Help consumers differentiate and choose between 'everyday' and 'occasional' (once per week) options through prominent, on-pack guidance and website content, subject to US legal requirements.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    Clearly label Everyday meal recipes on packaging and online that will meet Mars Food Nutrition Criteria and encourage the consumption of more vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    UNCLE BEN'S will use Ben's BeginnersTM campaign to build awareness about the proven benefits of cooking and eating healthier meals together, delivering a 15% increase year over year on media impressions.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    Explore new formats and opportunities to offer 'everyday' products in more places at affordable prices.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    All Associates will be offered nutrition education courses at least one time per year.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    Ensure all 3 US sites (2 offices, 1 factory) have cooking kitchens.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    All 3 US sites offer free fitness facilities.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    December 2021

    Reporting Date

    May 2020

    Commitment Element

    Any current or future US site cafeterias offer at least one meal per day that meets Mars Food Nutrition Criteria and are 30% less expensive than other meals.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

Partner Statement

No statement provided.