Blue Goji
2017 Progress Report
Committed to create engaging physical activity opportunities for kids to help solve the childhood obesity crisis. Local organizations in California will be identified to pilot the program in low-income areas using donated Blue Goji exercise equipment, tablets and apps. Blue Goji will also partner with community-based organizations in low-income areas to donate resources that will help keep kids active, while providing education on health and wellness.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
“Both Fellowship teams are currently in the ‘recruiting’ phase. The students are actively doing out-reach and speaking with potential teachers and administrators in the East Bay area, targeting first or second graders. Depending on the flexibility of the school’s and the teacher’s, the students are looking for any one of the following potential ‘Active GameBreaks@School’ opportunities: in a normal classroom, at the school gym, in a special ed classroom (for kids with behavioral and other attention related issues), or a facility for after-school programs. They are currently coached/guided by two faculty advisors as well as two TA’s. Both teams plan to sign up with a school by the end of this semester.
“Blue Goji in the meantime is modifying a retail model of stationary bikes so that it will fit and work well with younger/shorter first- or second-graders. We are also preparing a bigger list of potential Blue Goji and third-party VR and 2D games. The students will curate the final list of games with input from the faculty advisors and school teachers. And based on the final program designs, Blue Goji will procure all the necessary equipment, including VR-capable PC’s, and assist the students with the hardware configuration and installation. We hope to kick off the pilots no later than March 1, 2018.”