Urban Ventures, LLC
2016 Progress Report
Committed to prioritize health and incorporate a selection of active design strategies into at least 80 percent of its affordable housing development projects over the next three years.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
In Denver, CO Urban Ventures initiated the second phase of Aria Denver, a 17.5 acre mixed-use, mixed-income, intergenerational community. The project’s developers are working with the broader Chaffee Park neighborhood to enhance connectivity and social cohesion through an innovative project called Cultivate Health. The project, which is funded in part by The Colorado Health Foundation, will create infrastructure and programming that encourages an active lifestyle, increases access to healthy food and offers integrated health services. Over the past year, non-profit partners, community members and a Healthy Living Coordinator organized a “Couch to 5k” run and offered courses in gardening, healthy cooking, yoga, Zumba, and bicycling. In addition, outdoor fitness zones were installed at a local park, a Little Free Library was set-up at Aria Apartments, and bicycle racks were built at the local school.
Phase II of the Aria Denver development features the redevelopment of the Marycrest convent, which will be converted into 28 units of cohousing condominiums. Cohousing is type of intentional, collaborative housing in which residents actively participate in the design and operation of their community. The project will feature a community kitchen for shared meals, indoor space for physical activity, a community library, and secure bicycle storage.