YMCA of the USA
2016 Progress Report
Adopt and implement specific policies and procedures governing healthy eating, physical activity and screen time practices in YMCA early childhood and afterschool programs. Develop a Quality Rating and Improvement System to support implementation efforts and track implementation progress.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
“The Y, one of the nation’s largest nonprofit childcare providers, continues its efforts to become the nation’s healthiest childcare provider. In 2011, YMCA of the USA (Y-USA) committed to Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) and first lady Michelle Obama to adopt Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) Standards in its early childhood and afterschool programs to promote healthy lifestyle choices.
"The Y has aimed to have 100 percent of nearly 800 local YMCAs offering early childhood or afterschool programs committed to implementing the HEPA standards. This report shows 96 percent of those Ys have made this commitment, up from 88 percent reported last April. Ys have had success implementing most standards. For example, the Y’s early childhood and afterschool programs reported more than 80 percent compliance on 11 and 8 of the standards respectively.
"Y’s have increased their capacity to implement HEPA through Y-USA’s technical assistance, resource development, and financial incentives. Additional support to Ys included hosting 12 statewide internal and external HEPA summits, launching a business case model project, and partnering with the Public Health Law Center on resources for navigating the regulations that impact HEPA implementation.
"Each year from 2012 through 2016, the percent of Ys that reported meeting 100 percent of the HEPA standards increased by an average of about 4 percent. We are proud of the accomplishments made during this five-year commitment and the steady progress made both locally and at the state-level towards HEPA implementation, our intention is to continually refine our approach and support to meet Ys where they are to ensure that the more than 700,000 children in Y early childhood and afterschool programs eat healthy foods and engage in physical activity.”