Bright Horizons Family Solutions
2018 Progress Report
Committed to developing physical activity and gardening curriculums to further encourage outdoor and indoor play. As well as develop chef training and family resources.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
“In 2011 Bright Horizons committed our pledge to healthy practices, including nutrition, physical activity and long-standing screen time policies. After meeting, and exceeding, the goals set in our first commitment, we renewed our partnership in 2017. We are always looking to be better, to push ourselves, and striving to do more for the children and families in our care and we knew that PHA would, once again, be the right partner to help us further our goals of ensuring we do all we can to give the more than 800,000 children we serve in our 700+ preschool and early education centers across the US a healthy start in life. We are proud to be working toward meeting the goals of our second commitment with PHA.
"At Bright Horizons we know all development is interrelated and healthy physical development is important in and of itself, and influences children for life, but also influences cognitive and social-emotional development. Through our own Garden Works and Movement Matters curriculum elements we focus on giving children a healthy start to life through exploration of a variety of foods; building large motor skills through yoga and other physical activity; exploring nature through gardening; and more.
"We are enhancing our movement resources for teachers; evaluating a our food options to uncover addition opportunities to increase healthy choices; implementing a chef training program and online community; growing our gardening curriculum and garden to table activities; and offering parents resources to carry our healthy activities from the classroom into their homes. We are also proud to offer child care at the PHA Summit. This year, our revised program, PHA Kids Camp, will provide children of Summit attendees an opportunity to experience the Summit on a smaller scale – including yoga, cooking, garden activities, and opportunities to explore the expo hall.”