Showcase and Accelerate Scalable Work
Ending childhood obesity is an ambitious goal—one which PHA has always known could not be achieved by a single organization or even a single sector. The hallmark of PHA’s success has been its ability to forge partnerships between the public and private sectors, convening sometimes widely disparate interests motivated by the common goal of improving the health of America’s children. PHA’s annual Summit showcases innovative best practices and creates opportunities for collaboration among business and industry leaders, government and academic organizations, and advocates from the nonprofit sector. When selecting models to showcase and replicate, we do not restrict our lens to what’s being accomplished by PHA partners, instead looking broadly for the best examples of how to create healthier environments and provide healthier products to American families. PHA also plays a pivotal role in accelerating work that aligns with its mission, such as industry-wide standards for food, nutrition, and physical activity for children in early childcare settings.