Tougaloo College
2018 Progress Report
Committed to meet guidelines—developed by PHA in collaboration with some of the nation’s leading nutrition, physical activity and campus wellness experts—around nutrition, physical activity, and programming on campus.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
“Tougaloo College partnered with the Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) in the fall of 2017. Since joining this invaluable partnership, we have improved the overall culture of wellness on our campus. We have seen an increase in student use of campus health facilities, students taking self-initiative to host campus-wide physical activity events, and an increase in the overall interest in taking preventative health screenings. Because of our committed partnership with PHA, Tougaloo College has taken a vested interest in providing the foundational needs that will support and sustain the adopted health conscious behaviors of our students as well as our faculty and staff. We are looking forward to completing our final year to meet our 23 guidelines—developed by PHA in collaboration with some of the nation’s leading nutrition, physical activity and campus wellness experts. Thanks to the Partnership for a Healthier America, once we have completed our commitment, we will have imbedded a culture of wellness within our campus for years to come.”