San Antonio Food Bank
2018 Progress Report
Committed to increase distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables by fifteen percent and expand its community programs.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
“The San Antonio Food Bank is a member of the Feeding America national network of food bank, serving a sixteen county territory in Southwest Texas. For more than 38 years, it has been a proven innovator in the fields of nutrition education, client services, food security, and agricultural development. The San Antonio Food Bank has committed to providing health improvements across six areas of emphasis: produce for in-home meal preparation, healthy meals for kids through afterschool programs, meals for children during the summer, weekend nonperishable food items for kids, and recipes and gardening classes for seniors and children. Metrics for the previous fiscal year follow (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018): 25,577,601 lbs. produce for in-home meal preparation; 234,368 meals for kids during afterschool programs; 218,628 meals for children during the summer; 36,464 backpacks for kids; 52 recipes for children and seniors, as well as 115 gardening classes also intended for children and seniors.
"Last year, there were substantial improvements in produce distribution (a gain of 8.9 million pounds over the previous year, or a 53% increase) and recipes for kids and seniors (14 more recipes than the previous year, a 37% increase). In the other four categories there were decreases, mostly due to logistical challenges and decreased participation among children’s programs. San Antonio Food Bank still maintains a commitment to increase these six metrics by June of 2020, each by 15%.”