Fort Lewis College
2018 Progress Report
Committed to meet 23 guidelines—developed by PHA in collaboration with some of the nation’s leading nutrition, physical activity and campus wellness experts—around nutrition, physical activity, and programming on campus.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
“In 2018, Fort Lewis College (FLC) made significant progress toward its Healthier Campus Initiative (HCI) commitment and we have data to prove that our efforts are working. Beyond proper nutrition and physical fitness programming, FLC contributed to a healthy community by shining a light on mental health awareness and going smoke-free.
"Sugary drinks and unhealthy options are transitioning out of campus conference rooms. Our campus dining provider has seen significant decreases in the consumption of unhealthy food and drink. The National Collegiate Health Assessment, administered in Spring of 2018, showed that FLC students scored significantly better than the national benchmarks on proper nutrition and exercise. Nutrition and fitness related scores have improved since FLC joined HCI.
"In support of mental health, FLC hosted a variety of special events and trainings. Kevin Hines who is a suicide survivor that travels the country giving motivational talks about mental health awareness and suicide prevention was invited to speak at FLC. At Fresh Check Day (Health Fair), over 250 FLC students played with therapy dogs, wrote cards to loved ones, posted messages of gratitude, and learned about: positive body image, how to talk to someone with suicidal thoughts, and anxiety management techniques. Also, FLC trained over 100 faculty and staff in mental health awareness and suicide prevention with a goal to increase that number to 300 by the end of 2019.
"In December 2018, FLC announced that the campus will become smoke-free in 2019!”