2018 Progress Report
Committed to evaluating and improving the nutritional quality of food distributed and to increasing demand for healthier choices among partners, staff, and recipients.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
“Foodshare is proud to be a partner of Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA). Foodshare’s mission is to lead an informed, coordinated response to hunger in greater Hartford, Connecticut. Foodshare is using the SWAP (Supporting Wellness At Pantries) stoplight system to rank food in our inventory, and partner programs can see the nutrition ranking (green, yellow or red) when they order food in our online ordering system. Currently, eleven food pantries in Foodshare’s network are using SWAP, and five other food banks nationally are using SWAP to rank their food. To help reduce child hunger, Foodshare is partnering with local summer camps to provide healthy food for kids to take home on the weekends.
"Shortly after joining PHA in 2018, Foodshare created a Health & Nutrition Advisory Council, comprised of nutrition experts, partner program staff and a representative from the food industry. The first initiative of the Council was to draft a Nutrition Policy, and Foodshare’s Board of Directors unanimously approved the Nutrition Policy in May 2019. This policy will be shared with staff, food donors and partner programs to reinforce our commitment to the health and wellness of our community.”