Florida A&M University
2018 Progress Report
Committed to meet 23 guidelines—developed by PHA in collaboration with some of the nation’s leading nutrition, physical activity and campus wellness experts—around nutrition, physical activity, and programming on campus.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
“Florida A&M University is dedicated to making our campus a healthy campus. Our partnership with PHA and three year commitment to the Healthier Campus Initiative has been the catalyst for developing several campus wellness opportunities.
"Over the past year, Florida A & M University has worked collaboratively across campus with our students, faculty, staff and business partners to develop several programs and physical activity opportunities focused on creating a health-conscious environment.
"Our 2018 Healthy Campus Week (September 2018) was a huge success! Healthy Campus Week included various events that focused on being physically active and making healthier choices for a better lifestyle. Activities included blood pressure checks, fitness screenings, cooking classes, a campus “walk out”, Zumba and yoga.
"The FAMU Community Walking Program kicked off in January 2019. The Walking Program provides a comfortable and convenient walking environment in the campus arena and encourages students, faculty, staff and community members to get those daily steps in!
"Florida A & M University Healthy Campus Committee also participated in other health initiatives including Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Committee and students from the Health, Physical Education and Recreation department provided fitness screening for participants at the Women’s History Month event hosted by Mrs. Sharon Robinson, the wife of the University President.”