Central Texas Food Bank
2018 Progress Report
Committed to evaluating and improving the nutritional quality of food distributed and to increasing demand for healthier choices among partners, staff, and recipients.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
“The Central Texas Food Bank (CTFB) is a proud partner of Partnership for a Healthier America. As the largest hunger relief organization in Central Texas working to solve hunger and its companion problems of chronic undernutrition, heart disease, and obesity, the Central Texas Food Bank is committed to providing access to healthy food that contributes to the wellness of the 46,000 people we serve weekly. During our first year of PHA partnership, CTFB continues to prioritize the health of our inventory. In FY18, we distributed 47 million pounds of food, 38.6% of which was fresh produce. Most importantly, we expanded our Healthy Pantry Initiative aimed at integrating health and wellness services into the pantry setting with a focus on incentivizing the consumption of additional fresh and healthy foods. We are hopeful that the program, which nudges clients to make the healthy choice the easy choice, will improve the eating habits and, ultimately, the health of our clients.”