Corporate Commitments


2021 Progress Report

Year Committed: 2019
Length of Commitment: 3 years
Select a Progress Report:

Committed to increasing the percentage of healthier food and beverage options to 33%, which represents a nearly 40% increase over current levels. The better-for-you options will meet at least two public health nutrition standards, ensuring that consumers will be have easy access to good food wherever they work, play, and live.

Verified Results

  • Implementation Date

    December 2023

    Commitment Element

    By December 31, 2023, NAMA agrees to work with their participating companies to encourage them to voluntarily increase the percentage of better-for-you offerings available within these members’ portfolio of vending machines from 24% to 33%.

    Progress To Date

    The average share of vending machine offerings that met the NAMA standard in late 2021/early 2022 was 23.6%. This is a slight regression from the baseline analysis in 2019 for operators that were able to report for both analyses. This lack of progress was expected based on the anecdotal information shared by the participating operators around the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Partner Statement

NAMA and the convenience services industry are pleased and honored to work with Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) and remain focused on our commitment to voluntarily and substantially increase the percentage of better-for-you offerings in America’s vending machines. This first-year progress report reflects steadiness through a time when our industry and the world grappled with the continued impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. NAMA members primarily serve the workplace—many of which were shuttered and inaccessible during the measurement period. As a result of these headwinds our members were unable to service many vending machines and encountered a limited availability and assortment of products due to supply chain challenges. While our first-year results are not quite where we planned when we began this journey, NAMA and its member partners remain steadfast in our dedication to achieve this Public Health Commitment. As we move forward, NAMA will increase engagement with industry participants to update systems, provide real-time information on commitment-compliant products, and formalize updated compliance plans to ensure success. We look forward to continuing the work to reach our commitment goals with PHA to increase the percentage of better-for-you offerings in vending machines and to make a positive impact on public health.