Corporate Commitments


2021 Progress Report

Year Committed: 2018
Length of Commitment: 3 years
Select a Progress Report:

Committed to subsidize affordability of fitness classes on college campuses, offer free access to its technology platform and application for more than 50 HCI partners, support campuses in leveraging technology to provide data and evaluation of HCI initiatives and build demand through direct student engagement. To drive healthier workplaces, MINDBODY will provide select businesses with comprehensive toolkits to help create and support corporate wellness programs.

Verified Results

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    Make the MINDBODY technology platform and application to 5 Healthier Campus Initiative (HCI) campuses in the 2018-2019 school year and a roll plan for the second and third years to 20 additional campuses in Year 2, and including covering all costs for integration and ongoing access and maintenance.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    Make FitMetrix heart rate tracking monitor software available for free to whom MINDBODY has made available its technology platform and application, to track personal health metrics

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    In year one, offer up to $300,000 in discounted classes through promotion codes (with cost subsidized by MINDBODY) to HCI students at participating campuses to introduce students to new opportunities for physical activity.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2020

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    In year two, offer up to $500,000 in discounted classes through promotion codes (with cost subsidized by MINDBODY) to HCI students at participating campuses to introduce students to new opportunities for physical activity.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2021

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    In year three, offer up to $500,000 in discounted classes through promotion codes (with cost subsidized by MINDBODY) to HCI students at participating campuses to introduce students to new opportunities for physical activity.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    Each year, invite MINDBODY studios within a 10 mile radius of at least 5 participating HC college campuses to participate in promoting their classes on campus and surface those promotions via dedicated emails and in-app messaging to students on those campuses within the MINDBODY app and via dedicated email campaigns.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    Work with our HCI partners to collect anonymized and non-identifiable physical activity outcomes data each year.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    Provide a report each year to PHA and HCI partners on data trends captured once a year.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    Each year, offer at least one free on-campus class to HCI students of at least 5 HCI Campus partners in key metro areas of focus

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    Each year, offer at least 5 prizes valued at $2000 each as giveaways for students at HC campus partners through various Healthier Campus Week student challenges and competitions

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    Each year, implement in-app push messaging notifications to students at participating HCI campuses at least once every other month to encourage student engagement.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    During the term of MindBodyÕs commitment, it will inform 100% of known college clients about PHAÕs Healthier Campus Initiative and recommend participation.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    Offer intro discounted classes (with cost subsidized by MINDBODY) to hourly employees of at least 4 total selected corporate clients in prioritized urban cities valued at $100k total each year of the commitment.

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    Continue to offer dynamic pricing/ open inventory technology to offer discounted classes within the MINDBODY app

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2020

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    Develop and distribute a digital wellness toolkit of best practices (wellness challenges, collateral/materials) for all corporate clients and PHA partners to replicate and deploy

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

  • Implementation Date

    May 2019

    Reporting Date

    July 2021

    Commitment Element

    During the Term, MINDBODY will provide 10% discounted access to the MINDBODY platform for 250 studio clients identified that provide childcare services during classes

    Progress To Date

    No update provided.

Partner Statement

No statement provided.