KinderCare Learning Companies
2019 Progress Report
Committed to a number of changes involving center menus and nutrition programs, including removing all grain-based desserts from 100 percent of their centers, incorporating at least one culturally diverse dish each week a vegetarian entrée twice per week on their standard menu, ensuring healthy options are offered during all holiday events and celebrations, integrating parent education into the KinderCare Cooking Academy and developing a nutrition training curriculum for Center Directors and Cooks. Additionally, KinderCare plans to assess current garden offerings at centers, develop a package of new scalable indoor and outdoor gardening options and share best practices for gardening initiatives in early childhood education.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
KinderCare Education, including our KinderCare Learning Centers, KinderCare at Work, and Champions brands, is a proud partner of Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA). As the nation’s largest provider of high quality early childhood education, our partnership with PHA reflects the leadership role we have in the industry and reinforces our longstanding commitment to using our voice to support young children and their families throughout our country. We’re proud to teach and model healthy habits for the more than 185,000 children in our centers and sites and help give them confidence for life. Whether families have children in our centers or are caring for their children at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to engage them in meaningful conversations about the importance of nutrition and physical fitness, including our commitment to deliver a whitepaper this year on the impact gardening has on nutrition and early childhood education. In addition, our classroom and at-home curricula help address the importance of healthy eating and physical activity. KinderCare Education’s relationship with PHA supports our Grow Happy initiative and inspires us to continually improve our programs, policies, and procedures to better serve our children, create lifelong learners, and support the development of healthy habits for life.