Fort Lewis College
2019 Progress Report
Committed to meet 23 guidelines—developed by PHA in collaboration with some of the nation’s leading nutrition, physical activity and campus wellness experts—around nutrition, physical activity, and programming on campus.
Verified Results
Partner Statement
In 2019, Fort Lewis College (FLC) fulfilled its Healthier Campus Initiative (HCI) commitment and successfully met the 23 guidelines! In alignment with the HCI mission, FLC launched three initiatives that have improved student access to healthy activities and proper nutrition.
In the Fall of 2018, FLC eliminated student membership fees for Outdoor Pursuits and Intramural Sports. All students are now eligible to checkout outdoor equipment and participate in intramural activities for no additional charge. Eliminating the financial barrier for students has resulted in large increases in participation!
In the Spring of 2019, Campus Dining made significant improvements in the presentation of healthy options at every dining hall meal. Catering has also improved healthy drink options by offering water infused with fruits and vegetables in lieu of sugary drinks at on-campus events.
Exercise is medicine at Fort Lewis College. Exercise and outdoor activities are now being prescribed to FLC students dealing with physical and mental distress. Counseling and Health Center staff members refer students to our Director of Recreational Services, who connects with fitness and outdoor staff members to offer these students individualized experiences.
The fulfillment of HCI commitments inspired FLC to inventory current health and wellness initiatives and cultivate new ideas to improve the student experience. The last three years have been great for our campus community!