Logo for Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) partner New York Road Runners.

New York Road Runners


Started on June 7, 2013
5 year commitment | View progress

“Our vision is to make running a part of every child’s school day. For more than a decade we’ve brought the health and fitness benefits of running to schools in NYC and across the country. We’re excited to join with PHA to grow Mighty Milers and support more teachers and students through our ground-breaking educational resources and professional development.

~ Mary Wittenberg, President and CEO of New York Road Runners

As a PHA partner, New York Road Runners (NYRR) is committed to dedicate $7 million over the five years towards expanding its youth-focused Mighty Milers program. By distributing its coaching and fitness resources for free, NYRR hopes to reach students in underserved neighborhoods, teaching and inspiring more than 500,000 kids to run.

NYRR’s commitment with PHA means that by July 2018, an additional 100 schools will participate in the Mighty Milers program, bringing the total participants to 30,000 students! On top of that, NYRR has promised to distribute Running Start digital teaching resources to at least 2,500 schools, engage a minimum of 100 schools in local running events related to National Running Day and promote Let’s Move! Active Schools.

500,000 kids students in underserved neighborhoods to be reached by NYRR's commitment to teach and inspiring kids to run

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