Logo for Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) partner Walgreens.



Started on June 20, 2011
5 year commitment | View progress

Our partners tackle making the healthy choice the easy choice through a wide range of strategies. Our convenience and grocery store partners recognize that too often, people lack access to full-service grocery stores where fresh, healthy food can be found at affordable prices, and they’re trying to change that.

In 2011, Walgreens teamed up with us on a commitment to expand access of healthier food options. Specifically, the company pledged to expand a minimum of 1,000 stores nationwide by 2016, serving approximately 4,785,000 people.

Each year since 2011, Walgreens has worked to provide consumers with the option to purchase whole fresh, prepared fresh, and/or frozen fruits or vegetables in several of its stores, including those located in or around a food desert. In fact, between July 2014 and June 2015, the total number of people served by these Walgreens stores is 1,582,062 people!

PHA believes where you live shouldn’t determine what you can eat and partners like Walgreens help to ensure that it won’t.

152,792 c-stores in the U.S. serve approximately 160 million Americans every day, which means that on average, half the U.S. population visits a convenience store every single day

Our Work In Motion

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