A collage of fruits and vegetables

International Fresh Produce Association


  • Started on September 28, 2022
  • 8 year commitment

International Fresh Produce Association’s Commitment

International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) will work with the cities of Denver and Indianapolis to develop a framework for doubling consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables by the year 2030.

PHA and IFPA will build on the Denver and Indianapolis commitment by recruiting 13 additional cities to make commitments in the years following the pilot year, for a total of 15 city partnerships.

The partnerships will work to establish a produce infrastructure that will reach millions of Americans and serve as a model for increased access to healthy food.

IFPA’s commitment will support PHA’s goal of adding 100 million additional servings of vegetables, fruits, and beans to the marketplace by 2025, which was announced alongside the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health on September 28, 2022.

About International Fresh Produce Association

The International Fresh Produce Association is a trade organization representing companies from every segment of the global fresh produce and floral supply chain. IFPA helps members grow by providing connections that expand business opportunities and increase sales and consumption. To learn more, visit www.freshproduce.com

2x IFPA will work with the cities of Denver and Indianapolis to double consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits by 2030.

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