Partner Spotlight July 6, 2020

PHA's 2019 Progress Report is Available Now

Partnership for a Healthier America is proud to present our 2019 Progress Report. The COVID-19 pandemic and protests against systemic racism have transformed the current conversation around food systems and health equity. With all that has happened, it can sometimes feel as if 2019 was longer ago than just last year. However, when you read our 2019 Progress Report, in addition to seeing the great strides our partners have made in achieving their commitments to health, you will also learn about the many ways that PHA spent 2019 positioning itself to address the challenges of our current moment.

2019 Progress Report Cover

For PHA Partners, Commitments Made are Commitments Kept

When companies and organizations partner with us, they know we’ll be tracking their progress each year toward the goals they’ve set for improving the health of Americans – and that we’ll be making their progress (and ours) public.

We work with a team of external verifiers to assess the progress of PHA partner commitments and ensure that commitments made are commitments kept.

Read more about our verification methodologies.

We Believe in the Power of the Food Industry

From the companies that make food to the companies that sell food, PHA industry partners have significantly moved the needle in providing American families everywhere with better-for-you products. Learn more.

We Started the Shaping Early Palates Initiative

84.4% of infants and toddlers consume foods with added sugars on any given day. In response, PHA has partnered with early childhood educators, baby food manufacturers, and other key stakeholders to disrupt the marketplace and create options to help parents raise lifelong veggie lovers. Learn more.

We Shifted Retail Environments for Health

From warehouse to checkout, PHA’s distributor and convenience store partners are improving the supply chain so that better-for-you foods and beverages are available wherever people are.

In 2019, our partners not only increased the accessibility of healthier items but also actively promoted their consumption. Learn more.

We Listened to Our Healthy Hunger Relief Partners

In 2019, PHA developed new ways to approach healthy hunger relief. Responding to feedback from partners around the importance of technology and organization-focused evaluation, PHA has expanded its food bank partnerships to an even broader focus on systems change. Learn more.

We Increased Physical Activity for Children

As a result of PHA’s partners’ commitments to getting kids physically active, more than 70,000 coaches were trained, and $186 million was invested. Learn more.

We Reached Over 1.5 Million Students

With a reach of over 1.5 million students, including more than 370,000 Pell Grant recipients, our college partners worked diligently to make nutritious foods and opportunities for physical activity both accessible and built into the campus culture. Learn more.

What Else Will You Find In the Progress Report?

The 2019 Progress Report includes messages from organizational leadership, including Dr. James R. Gavin III, MD, PhD, who reflects on his time as Board Chair for PHA. You’ll read about the diverse areas of work in which PHA partners are making an impact. We spotlight partner successes and provide updates about new and ongoing PHA initiatives.