Vitus Group
By focusing on integrating strategies that get people moving right from the start, housing developers are leading their industry in helping to make the healthy choice the easy choice.
Vitus Group, a developer of smart affordable housing and catalyst for community revitalization, is helping families prioritize health by doing just that. The company teamed up with us for a commitment in 2015, offering to include bike racks, fitness centers, courtyards, playgrounds and stairways that are well-lit and accessible, free on-site exercise classes and walking and biking paths in the affordable housing communities it develops.
PHA’s ADV work, while new, will impact 4,650 units of housing by ensuring these active design elements are included. In fact, with Vitus Group’s commitment, an estimated 3,000 units of affordable housing in properties throughout the United States will be affected!
Our Active Design Verified work, while new, will impact nearly 8,000 units of housing by ensuring these elements are included.