Logo for Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) partner Brown's Super Stores.

Brown's Super Stores


Started on June 20, 2011
5 year commitment

PHA partners like Brown’s Super Stores help to ensure that where you live doesn’t determine what you eat. Through commitments like those with Brown’s, partners have increased access to healthier, affordable food for more than 8.5 million people living in communities with limited options for grocery shopping, by opening or renovating food stores. In the process, countless employment opportunities have been created in those neighborhoods – as of 2014, that number was at more than 40,000 new jobs!

As of PHA’s 2014 Progress Report, Brown’s built one store, and significantly expanded a second, in or around a food desert, completing its commitment before the July 2016 deadline.

View the final results of Brown’s Super Stores’s commitment to PHA in our 2014 Progress Report.

More than 8.5 million people now live in areas with new or renovated grocery stores, a direct result of our partner commitments

Our Work In Motion

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