
Family Meals: A Recipe for Healthier Habits

September is National Family Meals Month, a nationwide event created to support families in enjoying more meals together. As kids head back to school and schedules get busier, it’s important to still prioritize eating together as a family. Why are family meals so important? For one, children who regularly eat meals with their families eat more fruits and vegetables, according to The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

In addition to the physical health benefits, eating more family meals is associated with better overall mental health. Research found that 70% of those having in-person family meals or cooking family meals together feel more connected.

Here at Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA), we know that while families may want to eat homemade meals together regularly, it can sometimes be difficult due to time constraints, affordability and access to healthy foods. Our Good Food for All produce boxes break down those barriers to good food and help more families enjoy meals at home.

Since 2020, this program has provided 24 million servings of fruits and vegetables to families in 30 cities across the US. This is a part of our larger goal of adding 100 million servings of fruits and vegetables to the marketplace by 2025.

We’re also empowering families with the knowledge and skills to prepare healthy meals at home through our Recipe Hub. Our shoppable recipes allow you to add the needed ingredients to your Instacart cart with the click of a button, making cooking at home that much easier. Be sure to check out our Recipe Hub and follow us on social media, where we’ll be sharing simple and delicious meals all September long.