Where can we improve food equity?

This map uses census data to highlight where high food equity exists, where there are opportunities for improvement, and where we can make the biggest impact. To use the map: enter a city and state in the search bar (for example: Indianapolis, Indiana) and then hover over each neighborhood (or tap on a mobile device) to learn more.

Next Steps in Your Community

  • Write to your elected officials about food equity and urge action based on map insights.
  • Volunteer at your local food bank to directly connect families in your community with good food.
  • Share the map with family and friends on social media and encourage them to explore food equity in their neighborhood.

Next Steps For Your Business

  • Make healthier products available more widely in places that need it.
  • Raise awareness of good food by spending more to market healthy options.
  • Create or improve policies that support good food access.