July 2, 2018

Partnership for a Healthier America’s FNV Initiative Receives International National Centre for Social Marketing Award

WASHINGTON, D.C., (July 2, 2018) - Partnership for a Healthier America’s FNV initiative in conjunction with the University of Wisconsin-Extension FoodWIse, healthTIDE, and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, has won the National Centre for Social Marketing’s (NCSM) Award for Social Marketing for its use of social marketing to impact public health. The FNV “fruits and veggies” campaign promotes increased consumption of fruits and vegetables to alter the behavior of young adults across America.

The international award was presented at the 2018 University of South Florida Social Marketing Conference on June 29.

“Of the two billion spent on marketing, less than one percent is spent marketing healthy options to youth and by 2050 more than half of the U.S. population could have obesity,” said Andrea Muscadin, Vice President of Partnerships at Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA). “With playful creativity and celebrity influencers like Steph and Ayesha Curry, FNV harnesses the power of marketing to promote fruits and veggies in the same way big brands market their products.”

In Wisconsin, FNV engineered its messaging around resident’s relentless support of its local sports teams. Advertisements featuring gold bell peppers and broccoli with the headline “Die Hard Fans Eat Green And Gold,” celebrated the Green Bay Packers football team, while the headline “Root, Root, Root for the Home Team,” featuring root vegetables paid homage to the Milwaukee Brewers baseball team.

“A lot of voices came to the table to determine how we would implement FNV in alignment with existing programs and activities,” said Wisconsin’s campaign coordinator Erin Aagesen. “The process of implementing FNV has set the stage for future collaboration.”

For example, FNV in Wisconsin augmented efforts to improve the access and affordability of fruits and vegetables, according to the priorities of its funder, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed). In Milwaukee, billboards displayed near farmers’ markets that accept SNAP benefits read, “At the Market, A Little Bit of Green Goes a Long Way,” featuring images of fresh green vegetables. Geo-location was also used to deliver digital formats of these ads to consumers.

In 2017, Partnership for a Healthier America and the collective of Wisconsin-based partners worked with more than 60 community organizations and retailers, placed more than 15 billboards, served 17,552 transit impressions and received 23 million digital impressions and 14 million social media impressions. Partners also planned FNV activation at the Wisconsin State Fair, a minor league baseball game, a summer concert series, kids’ day event and farmers’ market.

Preliminary survey results suggests that the FNV campaign may be shifting attitudes and behavior in Wisconsin. Those who saw FNV ads had more positive attitudes towards fruits and vegetables, reported eating more fruits and vegetables, and consumed them with increased frequency.

Partnership for a Healthier America continues to widen its breadth of impact by using FNV to serve new communities and alter the behavior of more consumers. The Wisconsin campaign is expanding to include 11 new communities in 2018 and has developed new Spanish-language messages. Results are forthcoming.

For more information about the FNV campaign visit www.fnv.com. You can also follow the campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @teamfnv.

The Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) is devoted to working with the private sector to ensure the health of our nation’s youth by solving the childhood obesity crisis. In 2010, PHA was created in conjunction with—but independent from— former First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! effort. PHA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that is led by some of the nation’s most respected health and childhood obesity experts. PHA brings together public, private and nonprofit leaders to broker meaningful commitments and develop strategies to end childhood obesity. Most important, PHA ensures that commitments made are commitments kept by working with unbiased third parties to monitor and publicly report on the progress our partners are making. For more information about PHA, please visit www.ahealthieramerica.org and follow PHA on Twitter @PHAnews.

About the National Social Marketing Centre The National Social Marketing Centre (NSMC) is the centre of excellence for social marketing and behaviour change based in the UK. Established by Department of Health England in 2006, it became an independent not-for-profit in 2012. The NSMC’s mission is to maximise the effectiveness of behaviour change programmes across the globe. The NSMC now works worldwide on a range of health and environmental behaviour change programs.

About FoodWIse FoodWIse, a program of the University of Wisconsin-Extension, is federally funded by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education (SNAP-Ed) and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and serves Wisconsin residents with limited incomes. FoodWIse employs a combination of evidence-based educational strategies, accompanied by environmental supports, designed to facilitate voluntary adoption of healthy food choices and active lifestyles.

About healthTIDE healthTIDE is the statewide network of partners committed to creating a wave of health across Wisconsin, by increasing opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity. We make connections, build partnerships, and create opportunities for health in the places where people live, learn, work, and play– to make the healthy choice the easy choice in Wisconsin. (www.healthTIDE.org)

About Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Chronic Disease Prevention Program The Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Chronic Disease Prevention Program provides a coordinated approach to identifying health risk behaviors, environments, and systems associated with diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and obesity. The Program’s work impacts all ages and multiple sectors including early care and education, schools, worksites, health care, and the community. State and local partnerships align and coordinate strategy implementation to achieve measurable health impacts.

Toni Carey, Partnership for a Healthier America