Story November 14, 2016

#OptOutside: Turn Your Black Friday Green

Image of a mother and child standing on top of a mountain.

You may already be planning where to shop on Black Friday, but why not do something different this year? Instead of navigating your way through crowded stores, how about creating a new tradition and reconnect with friends and family outdoors at this important time of year?

The Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) has joined REI to do just that with the #OptOutside movement this holiday season. Instead of standing in line on November 25, tell the world you’re going to #OptOutside by visiting a national forest or local park. Go hiking with your family, discover a new running trail, mountain bike, ski or snowboard – no matter what you do, the important part is to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Then share on social media using this hashtag to inspire your friends and family to as well. REI has even made it easy to find ways to get outside near you! Image of children participating in an OIA, Outdoor Industry Foundation program.

As a PHA partner, OIA and the Outdoor Foundation is committed to getting over 100,000 kids outdoors and active, including at our nation’s national parks. Their Parks4Kids program funds local projects that connect kids with parks, and supports the National Park Service’s 100th anniversary through the Every Kid in a Park initiative. With this program, fourth graders across the country – and their families – have free admission to any of America’s national parks, national wildlife refuges, national forests and other federal lands and waters for a full year.

Image of children participating in a OIA and the Outdoor Foundation's program. We encourage you to take advantage of these programs on November 25! Whether it’s the Everglades National Park, Mount Rushmore National Memorial, the Petrified Forest National Park, or even your local parks and trails, find some inspiration outdoors this Black Friday. Be sure to tag your photos with #OptOuside on social media, and don’t forget to learn more about how you can help a 4th grader learn about being active through Parks4Kids!