April 17, 2018

Elizabeth Vegas

Headshot for Elizabeth Vegas, Director of Business Sector Strategies, at Alliance for a Healthier Generation, and a speaker at Partnership for a Healthier America's 2018 Innovating a Healthier Future Summit.

Director, Business Sector Strategies, Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Elizabeth Vegas is the director of business sector strategies at the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and is part of Healthier Generation’s strategic partnership initiative dedicated to supporting the development and sustainability of innovative public-private strategies with the food and beverage industry that bring bold change for improving the health of children and their families. In the 10 years with Healthier Generation, she had built partnerships of purpose with companies like Amazon Business and has negotiated and executed voluntary commitments with more than 100 food and beverage companies

Prior to joining the Alliance, Vegas spent decade as co-founder of a publishing and distribution company where she was responsible for the organization’s acquisitions and growth strategies.

2018 Summit Session: U.S. Access to Nutrition Spotlight Index

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