May 24, 2019

Drink Up Makes Los Angeles Thirsty for More

Recognizing that we are what we drink, the Drink Up campaign encouraged people of all ages to drink more water, more often. In 2016—three years after the campaign launched—water became, and remains, the nation’s number one consumed beverage.

While the campaign promoted greater water consumption nationwide, in 2016 PHA homed in on five zip codes in east Los Angeles for a two-year period to study the best ways to increase awareness of the benefits of drinking water. The pilot—which primarily targeted Latina consumers ages 18 to 34—used bilingual ads to promote the message that water is fuel for the body and that drinking it will make you unstoppable.

H20, Claro ads appeared plastered against bus and truck exteriors, on billboards, on radio and TV, and in social media and magazine ads, showing people engaged in activities such as dancing, running, practicing yoga, and painting—all fueled by the power of water. Drink Up refueling stations offered free water and giveaways such as reusable water bottles, magnets, and wrist bands to participants at community events such as parades, 5K races, and festivals.

The campaign made an impression: By 2018, awareness of the Drink Up logo had risen from 36 percent to 42 percent of respondents, with social media, television, and promotional events making the greatest impact. Three quarters of those aware of the campaign said it had a positive effect on their water consumption and made them want to drink more water.