
Add your voice to the conversation

We’re working throughout the country with partners and our community of supporters to drive change and establish Good Food for All!

We hope you’ll follow @phanews on Instagram, Threads, X, and Facebook — and share these graphics with your network on social media! Please tag us with any information or updates relevant to the fight for good food in your community.

Here are a few graphics to share with your network to help raise awareness of PHA’s mission and to show your support of Good Food for All:

I support breaking down the barriers to Good Food for All!

Breaking Down Barriers Graphic:

This infographic identifies some of the many barriers Americans face when seeking access to good food - food that’s affordable, sustainable, nutritious, and culturally relevant. Share this infographic to show your support for breaking down barriers to good food.

I support the Farm Bill!

Farm Bill Graphic:

The 2023 Farm Bill impacts more than just farmers - it has the opportunity to ensure a safe, abundant, and more affordable food supply for all Americans! This year legislators are finalizing proposals that can transform the food landscape making it more important than ever to ensure that the farm bill reflects the needs of all Americans. Share this graphic to show your support of the 2023 Farm Bill.

Good food is a right! Connect even more families with nutritious food.

Good Food is a Right Graphic:

Good food shouldn’t be a privilege reserved for only a few. It’s a right, and through our Good Food at Home program, we’re connecting families across the US with fresh produce. Our mission? Ensuring that every American in every zip code has access to food that’s affordable, sustainable, nutritious, and culturally relevant. Share this graphic to show your support of good food for all.